

Who:  All Ladies are welcome.

When:  Monday during term-time from 10.00 am – 12 noon.

Where:  At the church, via the York Road entrance

What: We start with refreshments and chat followed by studying a Bible passage or Bible topic together. Sometimes we follow a series or use a DVD to assist us. We end with a prayer time, praying for personal needs and the needs of people or situations in the church or the wider world.

Contact: Sue Foster email: steveandsuefoster@gmail.com or  Carol Little Tel: 07814 623022


Who: All are welcome

When: Tuesday at 7.30 pm

Where: Higham Road

What: Bible Study, Prayer and Fellowship

Contact:  Carol Little Tel: 07814 623022


Who: All are welcome

When: Wednesday at 7.30 pm

Where: The Manse

What: Bible Study, Prayer and Fellowship

Contact:  Simon Burton email: simon.burton8@btopenworld.com


Who: All are welcome.

When: Thursday 7.30 pm until about 9.30 pm

Where: Martin Close

What: We start with fellowship over tea/coffee/biscuits followed by Bible study and discussion - usually guided by notes and questions on a Bible book or character or a topic series such as 'The Fruit of the Spirit' and we end with a prayer time.

Contact: Richard Papworth email: papworth17@talktalk.net


Who: All are welcome, however due to the size of the venue, space is limited so please check with the group leaders first if you are interested in attending this group.

When: Thursday 10.00 am - 12 noon

Where: Firdale Avenue

What: Bible Study, prayer and fellowship.

Contact:  Ruth Hillman email: ruth2412@aol.com


Who: All Ladies are welcome.

When: Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon

Where: The Manse

What: Our meetings include time for a cuppa and a chat, time to study the Bible together and time to share items for prayer and to pray together.

Contact: Rachel Duggan email: rachel.duggan@gmail.com

Minister: Revd. Mark Duggan | 01933 741126 | minister@parkroadbaptist.co.uk

Copyright 2024 Park Road Baptist Church Rushden | Charity number 1126471